NPCs composing that spawngroup :
  • a_Knight_of_Innoruuk (100%)
  • NPCs spawning around that spawngroup :
    (Max range : 100)
    • hateplane_an_ashenbone_drake154, range=76 (1,-63,99)
    • hateplane L2 Random Statics, range=90 (1,-121,127)
    • hateplane_Cleric_of_Innoruuk23, range=35 (-106,-55,4)
    • hateplane_#The_Deathrot_Knight36, range=98 (16,-110,15)
    • hateplane_a_haunted_chest168, range=89 (-130,-2,3)
    • hateplane Minibosses, range=40 (-115,-66,53)
    • hateplane_a_Sage_of_Innoruuk61, range=71 (-120,-16,103)
    • hateplane_an_Agent_of_Innoruuk46, range=66 (-81,-6,126)
    • hateplane South Route Patrollers, range=73 (-70,1,5)
    • hateplane NE Cleric House Spawn, range=82 (-136,-127,4)
    • hateplane Cleric House 2F NE, range=52 (-99,-119,53)
    • hateplane Abhorrent or Ire Ghast Statics, range=93 (-47,-161,5)