
NPCs whose death raise faction

NPCs whom death lowers the faction

in Grieg's End by
  • A Dark Sending (163010)
  • #Bronus (163018)
  • #Abluo Mulier (163008)
  • #Cubicularius Wringordus (163167)
  • #An Umbral Somnium (163011)
  • A Coelesced Vision (163007)
  • A Coelesced Sending (163003)
  • A Dark Sending (163381)
  • A Dark Sending (163380)
  • A Dark Sending (163379)
  • A Dark Sending (163135)
  • A Dark Sending (163016)
  • A Black Sending (163012)
  • A Shadow Master (163046)
  • A Singultus Proeliator (163371)
  • #Singultus Primorus (163019)
  • An Occisor Acerbus (163354)
  • #Occisor Primorus (163108)
  • A Vereor Tesserarius (163275)
  • #Vereor Primorus (163126)
  • Servitor of Luclin (163273)
  • #Stonemason Galt (163017)
  • #Grieg Veneficus (163156)
  • #Alchemist Valrona (163119)
  • #Prast Ianitor (163085)
  • A Shadow Master (163373)