Drawna Opimsor

Full name Drawna Opimsor
Level 27
Race Human
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction Order of Three
Health points 910
Damage 1 to 58
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks
This NPC sells

  • Wrist Pouch (1g)
  • Potion of Light Healing (2p)
  • Mistletoe (1s)
  • Chipped Bone Rod (1p)
  • Harvest Crystal (2g)
  • Spring Crystal (2s)
  • Crystallized Pumice (5p)
  • Cloudy Potion (5p)
  • Murky Vial (5p)
  • Pale Green Potion (5p)
  • Fish Gill Extract (5p)
  • Crimson Potion (5p)
  • Bark Potion (5p)
  • Vial of Swirling Smoke (200p)
  • Dufrenite (15p)
  • Sandalwood (1p)
  • This NPC spawns in

    South Qeynos

  • qeynos_Drawna_Opimsor60 : 303 / -549 / 3
    Spawns every 10 min

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with