
Full name Jorlleag
Level 66
Race Dragon
Class Shaman
Main faction Guardians of Veeshan
Health points 220,000
Damage 213 to 925
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells


When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 50% (multiplier : 3):
    1. Helmet of the Crawler (Armor) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
    2. Blydreln's Bane (1HB) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
    3. Earring of the Icecaster (Armor) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
    4. Silver Chains (Armor) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
    5. Crown of Resiliance (Armor) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
    6. Sprinkler of the Spirits (1HB) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
    7. Onyx Chain Leggings (Armor) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
    8. Facesmasher (2HB) - 12.5% (6.25% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Spell: Conglaciation of Bone (Scroll) - 10% (10% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Dragon Meat (Combinable) - 31.507% (31.507% Global)
    2. Golden Ember Powder (Combinable) - 26.027% (26.027% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Temple of Veeshan

  • templeveeshan_#Jorlleag16 : 1604 / -1760 / 189
    Spawns every 168 hours

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with