
Full name Zlexak
Level 66
Race Dragon
Class Rogue
Main faction Guardians of Veeshan
Health points 100,000
Damage 244 to 595
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells


When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 50% (multiplier : 2):
    1. Baton of Flame (1HB) - 16.66% (8.33% Global)
    2. Dragonspine Rapier (Piercing) - 16.66% (8.33% Global)
    3. Spinning Orb of Confusion (Shield) - 16.66% (8.33% Global)
    4. Windraider's Belt (Armor) - 16.66% (8.33% Global)
    5. Dragon Skin Bracelet (Armor) - 16.66% (8.33% Global)
    6. Tvenken's Slippers of Silence (Armor) - 16.66% (8.33% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Temple of Veeshan

  • templeveeshan_#Zlexak8 : 1799 / -1332 / 179
    Spawns every 168 hours

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with