a servant swordfish

Full name a servant swordfish
Level 51
Race Swordfish
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 13,400
Damage 37 to 151
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Spell: Translocate: Group (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    2. Spell: Monster Summoning II (Scroll) - 2% (2% Global)
    3. Spell: Improved Invisibility (Scroll) - 2% (2% Global)
    4. Spell: Improved Invis vs Undead (Scroll) - 2% (2% Global)
    5. Spell: Translocate (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    6. Spell: Great Divide Portal (Scroll) - 2% (2% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Black Marble (Combinable) - 7% (7% Global)
    2. Pristine Emerald (Combinable) - 7% (7% Global)
    3. Flawless Diamond (Combinable) - 7% (7% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Pearl Earring (Jewelry) - 0.569% (0.569% Global)
    2. Pearl Ring (Jewelry) - 0.874% (0.874% Global)
    3. Black Pearl (Combinable) - 0.772% (0.772% Global)
    4. Peridot (Combinable) - 0.935% (0.935% Global)
    5. Emerald (Combinable) - 1.077% (1.077% Global)
    6. Opal (Combinable) - 0.894% (0.894% Global)
    7. Jade Ring (Jewelry) - 0.711% (0.711% Global)
    8. Golden Pendant (Jewelry) - 1.036% (1.036% Global)
    9. Crystallized Sulfur (Combinable) - 10.059% (10.059% Global)
    10. Flawless Aquamarine (Combinable) - 0.711% (0.711% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Swordfish tooth (Gems) - 45% (45% Global)
    2. Swordfish Bill (Piercing) - 60% (60% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Ocean Ink (Combinable) - 35.684% (35.684% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Siren's Grotto

  • sirens_223839 : -864 / -603 / -175
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223848 : -820 / -108 / -177
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223855 : -403 / -676 / -177
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223860 : -378 / -596 / -171
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223861 : -498 / -437 / -210
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223862 : -330 / -186 / -169
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223866 : -396 / -597 / -177
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223866 : -807 / -737 / -181
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_223870 : -310 / -213 / -170
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_a_servant_swordfish9 : -403 / -368 / -176
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_a_servant_swordfish9 : -452 / -326 / -110
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_a_servant_swordfish9 : 269 / -52 / -151
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_a_servant_swordfish9 : -19 / 8 / -13
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_a_servant_swordfish9 : 54 / -15 / -19
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec
  • sirens_a_servant_swordfish9 : 53 / 20 / -16
    Spawns every 27 min 16 sec