Tontoal Heriseron

Full name Tontoal Heriseron
Level 35
Race Half Elf
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction Traders of the Haven
Health points 1,675
Damage 14 to 82
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks
This NPC sells

  • Fordel Red (6s)
  • Midst Red (6s)
  • Stout Red (6s)
  • House Fordel Porter (5s 5c)
  • Deep Cavern Bourbon (7s 5c)
  • House Midst Reserve (6s)
  • House Stout Lager (6s)
  • Garanita White Wine (2s 5c)
  • Paludal Beetle Crunchies (2g)
  • Water Flask (1s)
  • This NPC spawns in

    The Bazaar

  • bazaar_Tontoal_Heriseron21 : -660 / -7 / 25
    Spawns every 20 min