
Full name Kogar
Level 11
Race Vah Shir
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction Guardians of Shar Vahl
Health points 231
Damage 1 to 24
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks
This NPC sells

  • Wooden Practice Short Sword (2s 5c)
  • Wooden Practice Broad Sword (3s)
  • Wooden Practice Long Sword (1g)
  • Wooden Practice Two Handed Sword (1g 5s)
  • Wooden Practice Mace (5s)
  • Wooden Practice Two Handed Hammer (1g 5s)
  • Wooden Practice Warhammer (9s)
  • Wooden Practice Flail (9s 5c)
  • Wooden Practice Dagger (1s 5c)
  • Wooden Practice Spear (1g)
  • This NPC spawns in

    The City of Shar Vahl

  • sharvahl_Kogar289 : -473 / -78 / -189
    Spawns every 20 min