a sun revenant

Full name a sun revenant
Level 55
Race Undead Iksar
Class Warrior
Main faction Brood of Ssraeshza
Health points 15,625
Damage 55 to 161
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Small Brick of Yttrium Ore (Combinable) - 12% (12% Global)
    2. Meteor Dust (Combinable) - 14% (14% Global)
    3. Nardoo (Combinable) - 26% (26% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. A Lucid Shard (1HS) - 6% (6% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Grey

  • thegrey_a_sun_revenant0 : 1412 / 1451 / -20
    Spawns every 20 min
  • thegrey_a_sun_revenant0 : 1653 / 1368 / -19
    Spawns every 20 min
  • thegrey_a_sun_revenant0 : 1542 / 1467 / -14
    Spawns every 20 min
  • thegrey_a_sun_revenant0 : 1464 / 1211 / -21
    Spawns every 20 min
  • thegrey_a_sun_revenant0 : 1380 / 1288 / -15
    Spawns every 20 min
  • thegrey_a_sun_revenant0 : 1640 / 1243 / -16
    Spawns every 20 min

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with