a syl ren frost caller

Full name a syl ren frost caller
Level 54
Race Tegi
Class Magician
Main faction KOS
Health points 14,206
Damage 62 to 189
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

Default Magician List

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Dream Weaver Cap (Armor) - 0.256% (0.256% Global)
    2. Dream Weaver Veil (Armor) - 1.026% (1.026% Global)
    3. Dream Weaver Choker (Armor) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
    4. Dream Weaver Robe (Armor) - 0.256% (0.256% Global)
    5. Dream Weaver Amice (Armor) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
    6. Dream Weaver Cloak (Armor) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
    7. Dream Weaver Sash (Armor) - 0.256% (0.256% Global)
    8. Dream Weaver Sleeves (Armor) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
    9. Dream Weaver Bracelet (Armor) - 0.256% (0.256% Global)
    10. Dream Weaver Gloves (Armor) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
    11. Dream Weaver Pantaloons (Armor) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
    12. Dream Weaver Webshield (Shield) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Crysotherium (Combinable) - 3.333% (3.333% Global)
    2. Stralagite (Combinable) - 2.051% (2.051% Global)
    3. Windstone (Combinable) - 1.538% (1.538% Global)
    4. Stratolite (Combinable) - 1.282% (1.282% Global)
    5. Rhodocrosite (Combinable) - 3.077% (3.077% Global)
    6. Indicolite (Combinable) - 2.821% (2.821% Global)
    7. Emberstone (Combinable) - 1.538% (1.538% Global)
    8. Luclinite (Combinable) - 1.538% (1.538% Global)
    9. Umbracite (Combinable) - 2.308% (2.308% Global)
    10. Zoicite (Combinable) - 0.769% (0.769% Global)
    11. Iolite (Combinable) - 0.256% (0.256% Global)
    12. Sunstone (Combinable) - 0.513% (0.513% Global)
    13. Starstone (Combinable) - 0.256% (0.256% Global)
    14. Dreamstone (Combinable) - 0.256% (0.256% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Tegi Scales (Combinable) - 25% (25% Global)
    2. Chunk of Condensed Ice (Combinable) - 14% (14% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Umbral Plains

  • umbral_224909 : 2689 / 376 / 421
    Spawns every 29 min 14 sec
  • umbral_224909 : 2677 / 432 / 439
    Spawns every 29 min 14 sec