
Full name Hatchling
Level 50
Race Human
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 10,600
Damage 37 to 200
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC spawns in

Plane of Nightmares

  • ponightmare_Hatchling94 : -618 / -1438 / 121
    Spawns every 15 min
  • ponightmare_Hatchling94 : -964 / -695 / 180
    Spawns every 15 min
  • ponightmare_Hatchling94 : -937 / -429 / 121
    Spawns every 15 min
  • ponightmare_Hatchling94 : -1158 / -303 / 127
    Spawns every 15 min