a blood raven

Full name a blood raven
Level 52
Race Blood Raven
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS Plane of Nightmare
Health points 12,600
Damage 51 to 266
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 15% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Blood Raven Parts (Combinable) - 100% (15% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Metal Linked Crown (Armor) - 0.35% (0.35% Global)
    2. Decaying Bone Idol (Armor) - 0.5% (0.5% Global)
    3. Blood Encrusted Feather (Combinable) - 10% (10% Global)
    4. Twisted Talon (Combinable) - 7.5% (7.5% Global)
    5. Silken Tail Feather (Combinable) - 7.5% (7.5% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Plane of Nightmares

  • BloodRavenStatic : 915 / 550 / 208
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • BloodRavenStatic : 825 / 759 / 215
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • BloodRavenStatic : 987 / 625 / 212
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • BloodRavenStatic : 651 / 477 / 212
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -404 / 1736 / 211
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -362 / 1673 / 212
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -566 / 1764 / 221
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -484 / 1657 / 212
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -589 / 1430 / 212
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -869 / 1258 / 215
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -723 / 1216 / 209
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -362 / 1120 / 212
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : 111 / 927 / 215
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : 196 / 660 / 212
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : 759 / 1214 / 215
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : 1120 / 1474 / 235
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -1192 / 1087 / 214
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec
  • MixedStatic : -1077 / 1358 / 213
    Spawns every 11 min 40 sec