a tsetsian pupal

Full name a tsetsian pupal
Level 49
Race Worm
Class Warrior
Main faction Inhabitants of Disease
Health points 10,600
Damage 37 to 198
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC spawns in

Plane of Disease

  • podisease northwest worms : 1654 / 111 / -87
    Spawns every 19 min 30 sec
  • podisease northwest worms : 1243 / 427 / -39
    Spawns every 19 min 30 sec
  • podisease northwest worms : 1701 / -698 / -95
    Spawns every 19 min 30 sec
  • podisease northwest worms : 1820 / 1132 / -89
    Spawns every 19 min 30 sec
  • podisease northwest worms : 1987 / 696 / -94
    Spawns every 19 min 30 sec
  • podisease northwest worms : 1976 / 678 / -92
    Spawns every 19 min 30 sec