a tormented soul

Full name a tormented soul
Level 47
Race Skeleton
Class Warrior
Main faction Beta Neutral
Health points 4,589
Damage 26 to 159
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC spawns in

Torment, the Plane of Pain

  • potorment a_tormented_soul : -659 / -318 / -201
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • potorment a_tormented_soul : -509 / 281 / -124
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • potorment a_tormented_soul : 208 / 596 / -78
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • potorment a_tormented_soul : 52 / -919 / -178
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • potorment a_tormented_soul : -417 / 829 / -156
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • potorment a_tormented_soul : -279 / -631 / -159
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec