
Full name Shadows
Level 64
Race Invisible Man
Class Warrior
Main faction
Health points 28,000
Damage 145 to 622
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC spawns in

Drunder, the Fortress of Zek

  • potactics_Shadows12 : -28746 / 14053 / -342
    Spawns every 26 min
  • potactics_Shadows12 : -16413 / -5172 / -340
    Spawns every 26 min
  • potactics_Shadows12 : 1231 / -334 / 113
    Spawns every 26 min
  • potactics_Shadows12 : -157 / 491 / -295
    Spawns every 26 min
  • potactics_Shadows12 : -135 / 780 / -295
    Spawns every 26 min
  • potactics_Shadows12 : -958 / -334 / 99
    Spawns every 26 min
  • potactics_Shadows12 : -370 / 1218 / 121
    Spawns every 26 min
  • potactics_Shadows12 : 748 / 700 / -13
    Spawns every 26 min