
Full name TrapMan
Level 1
Race Invisible Man
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 100
Damage 1 to 4
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC spawns in

Plane of Earth

  • poeartha TrapMan9 Galsinak Earthrumble : -1259 / 329 / -43
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • poeartha TrapMan9 Galsinak Earthrumble : -1136 / 672 / 0
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • poeartha TrapMan9 Galsinak Earthrumble : -1266 / 128 / -43
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • poeartha TrapMan9 Galsinak Earthrumble : -1466 / 509 / -37
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec
  • poeartha TrapMan9 Galsinak Earthrumble : -1316 / -52 / -42
    Spawns every 19 min 28 sec