
Full name Lopuka
Level 40
Race Ogre
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction Merchants of Oggok
Health points 3,250
Damage 32 to 124
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks
This NPC sells

  • Large Chain Coif (30p)
  • Large Iron Mask (12p)
  • Large Chainmail Neckguard (16p)
  • Large Chainmail Coat (70p)
  • Large Chainmail Mantle (56p)
  • Large Chainmail Cape (60p)
  • Large Chainmail Belt (22p)
  • Large Iron Armplates (28p)
  • Large Chainmail Bracelet (14p)
  • Large Chainmail Gloves (30p)
  • Large Iron Legplates (36p)
  • This NPC spawns in


  • oggok_Lopuka61 : 250 / -137 / 5
    Spawns every 20 min

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with