a clockwork merchant

Full name a clockwork merchant
Level 30
Race Clockwork Gnome
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction Merchants of Ak`Anon
Health points 1,150
Damage 32 to 124
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks
This NPC sells

  • Throwing Knife (1s)
  • Dagger (2p)
  • Staff (4p 3g)
  • Wrist Pouch (1g)
  • A Quill (1g)
  • A Piece of Parchment (1g)
  • Tome of Endless Enchantments (10p)
  • Book of Ancient Restoration (2p)
  • Cat's Eye Agate (2g)
  • Bloodstone (5g)
  • Jasper (7g 5s)
  • Peridot (10p)
  • The End of an Age (2p)
  • Star Rose Quartz (1p)
  • Tiny Dagger (1s)
  • On Languages (1g)
  • Spell: Enchant Brellium (5p)
  • This NPC spawns in


  • akanon_221048 : 1053 / -1012 / 29
    Spawns every 20 min

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with