a barbed bone skeleton

Full name a barbed bone skeleton
Level 24
Race Skeleton
Class Warrior
Main faction Unrest Inhabitants
Health points 790
Damage 3 to 50
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

a barbed bone skeleton

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Fine Steel Long Sword (1HS) - 1.446% (1.446% Global)
    2. Fine Steel Two Handed Sword (2HS) - 2.367% (2.367% Global)
    3. Fine Steel Short Sword (1HS) - 2.301% (2.301% Global)
    4. Fine Steel Scimitar (1HS) - 1.644% (1.644% Global)
    5. Fine Steel Warhammer (1HB) - 2.301% (2.301% Global)
    6. Fine Steel Morning Star (1HB) - 1.381% (1.381% Global)
    7. Fine Steel Great Staff (2HB) - 1.709% (1.709% Global)
    8. Fine Steel Dagger (Piercing) - 1.315% (1.315% Global)
    9. Fine Steel Spear (Piercing) - 2.367% (2.367% Global)
    10. Fine Steel Rapier (Piercing) - 1.381% (1.381% Global)
    11. Steel Knuckles (Martial) - 0.131% (0.131% Global)
    12. Weighted Gloves (Martial) - 0.197% (0.197% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Barbed Bone Chips (Combinable) - 17.488% (17.488% Global)
    2. Bone Chips (Combinable) - 45.825% (45.825% Global)
    3. Warbone Chips (Combinable) - 18.212% (18.212% Global)
    4. Bone Barbs (Gems) - 18.869% (18.869% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Small Bronze Helm (Armor) - 0.329% (0.329% Global)
    2. Small Bronze Mask (Armor) - 0.394% (0.394% Global)
    3. Small Bronze Collar (Armor) - 0.723% (0.723% Global)
    4. Small Bronze Breastplate (Armor) - 0.46% (0.46% Global)
    5. Small Bronze Pauldron (Armor) - 0.526% (0.526% Global)
    6. Small Splinted Bronze Cloak (Armor) - 0.394% (0.394% Global)
    7. Small Bronze Girdle (Armor) - 0.592% (0.592% Global)
    8. Small Bronze Vambraces (Armor) - 0.329% (0.329% Global)
    9. Small Bronze Bracers (Armor) - 0.46% (0.46% Global)
    10. Small Bronze Gauntlets (Armor) - 0.329% (0.329% Global)
    11. Small Bronze Greaves (Armor) - 0.592% (0.592% Global)
    12. Small Bronze Boots (Armor) - 0.263% (0.263% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Rune of Expulsion (Combinable) - 0.96% (0.96% Global)
    2. Rune of Attraction (Combinable) - 1.28% (1.28% Global)
    3. Rune of Presence (Combinable) - 0.32% (0.32% Global)
    4. Rune of Disassociation (Combinable) - 0.24% (0.24% Global)
    5. Rune of Trauma (Combinable) - 0.84% (0.84% Global)
    6. Rune of Xegony (Combinable) - 0.52% (0.52% Global)
    7. Rune of Karana (Combinable) - 0.92% (0.92% Global)
    8. Ice of Velious (Combinable) - 1.24% (1.24% Global)
    9. Jade Shard (Combinable) - 0.32% (0.32% Global)
    10. Pearl Shard (Combinable) - 0.32% (0.32% Global)
    11. Words of Transcendence (Combinable) - 0.76% (0.76% Global)
    12. Glove of Rallos Zek (Combinable) - 1.03% (1.03% Global)
    13. Words of Possession (Combinable) - 1.24% (1.24% Global)
    14. Words of Absorption (Combinable) - 0.6% (0.6% Global)
    15. Words of Discernment (Combinable) - 0.32% (0.32% Global)
    16. Words of Eventide (Combinable) - 0.72% (0.72% Global)
    17. Words of Allure (Combinable) - 0.44% (0.44% Global)
    18. Words of the Sentient (Beza) (Combinable) - 0.12% (0.12% Global)
    19. Words of Recluse (Combinable) - 1.04% (1.04% Global)
    20. Words of Cloudburst (Combinable) - 0.2% (0.2% Global)
    21. Words of Mistbreath (Combinable) - 0.6% (0.6% Global)
    22. Words of Detachment (Combinable) - 0.44% (0.44% Global)
    23. Words of Dimension (Combinable) - 1.6% (1.6% Global)
    24. Words of Cazic-Thule (Combinable) - 1.04% (1.04% Global)
    25. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390 (Combinable) - 0.24% (0.24% Global)
    26. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390 (Combinable) - 0.2% (0.2% Global)
    27. Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8 (Combinable) - 0.64% (0.64% Global)
    28. Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9 (Combinable) - 0.32% (0.32% Global)
    29. A Faded Velishouls Tome Page (Combinable) - 0.44% (0.44% Global)
    30. Velishoul's Tome Pg.17 (Combinable) - 0.72% (0.72% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Estate of Unrest

  • Unrest Undead Barkeep : 668 / -38 / 39
    Spawns every 16 min
  • Unrest Undead Knight Guards : 725 / -69 / 56
    Spawns every 16 min
  • Unrest Undead Knight Guards : 665 / -58 / 55
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224008 : 582 / 8 / 47
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224008 : 617 / -7 / 48
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224008 : 703 / 44 / 22
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224012 : 554 / 0 / 47
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224012 : 659 / 87 / 21
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224012 : 685 / 82 / 21
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224013 : 656 / -74 / 39
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224013 : 616 / 63 / 19
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224018 : 637 / -101 / -25
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224019 : 669 / 49 / -11
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224021 : 677 / 64 / -10
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_224021 : 637 / -31 / -24
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_a_barbed_bone_skeleton65 : 701 / -5 / -13
    Spawns every 16 min
  • unrest_a_barbed_bone_skeleton65 : 501 / 60 / 20
    Spawns every 16 min