a greater skeleton

Full name a greater skeleton
Level 11
Race Skeleton
Class Warrior
Main faction Unrest Inhabitants
Health points 280
Damage 1 to 24
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Cloth Cap (Armor) - 0.715% (0.715% Global)
    2. Cloth Veil (Armor) - 0.556% (0.556% Global)
    3. Cloth Choker (Armor) - 0.715% (0.715% Global)
    4. Cloth Shirt (Armor) - 1.033% (1.033% Global)
    5. Cloth Shawl (Armor) - 0.954% (0.954% Global)
    6. Cloth Cape (Armor) - 0.715% (0.715% Global)
    7. Cloth Cord (Armor) - 0.636% (0.636% Global)
    8. Cloth Sleeves (Armor) - 0.795% (0.795% Global)
    9. Cloth Wristband (Armor) - 0.954% (0.954% Global)
    10. Cloth Gloves (Armor) - 0.556% (0.556% Global)
    11. Cloth Pants (Armor) - 0.715% (0.715% Global)
    12. Leather Boots (Armor) - 0.874% (0.874% Global)
    13. Buckler (Shield) - 1.828% (1.828% Global)
    14. Wooden Shield (Shield) - 1.749% (1.749% Global)
    15. Grave Mold (Combinable) - 8.188% (8.188% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Rusty Short Sword (1HS) - 3.18% (3.18% Global)
    2. Rusty Axe (1HS) - 1.987% (1.987% Global)
    3. Rusty Broad Sword (1HS) - 1.192% (1.192% Global)
    4. Rusty Long Sword (1HS) - 1.431% (1.431% Global)
    5. Rusty Battle Axe (1HS) - 0.954% (0.954% Global)
    6. Rusty Scimitar (1HS) - 1.192% (1.192% Global)
    7. Rusty Bastard Sword (1HS) - 1.59% (1.59% Global)
    8. Rusty Mace (1HB) - 1.113% (1.113% Global)
    9. Rusty Warhammer (1HB) - 1.113% (1.113% Global)
    10. Rusty Morning Star (1HB) - 1.59% (1.59% Global)
    11. Splintering Club (1HB) - 1.669% (1.669% Global)
    12. Rusty Dagger (Piercing) - 1.192% (1.192% Global)
    13. Parrying Dagger (Shield) - 1.828% (1.828% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Estate of Unrest

  • unrest_222216 : 143 / -12 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_222217 : 324 / 16 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_224006 : 383 / -250 / 1
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_224006 : 375 / 109 / 1
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 525 / -189 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 364 / -116 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 335 / 185 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 790 / 105 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 611 / 164 / 4
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 406 / 166 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 835 / -113 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 601 / -285 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 609 / -77 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 530 / -89 / 4
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 470 / -74 / 4
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 514 / -88 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 606 / -76 / 3
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 568 / -97 / 4
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 558 / -275 / -28
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 808 / -282 / -28
    Spawns every 6 min
  • unrest_tormented_dead2 : 488 / -282 / 12
    Spawns every 6 min