a spiroc arbiter

Full name a spiroc arbiter
Level 52
Race Aviak
Class Druid
Main faction KOS
Health points 22,800
Damage 46 to 160
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

Airplane Spiroc Druids

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Mottled Spiroc Feather (Gems) - 14% (14% Global)
    2. Dark Spiroc Feather (Gems) - 14% (14% Global)
    3. White-tipped Spiroc Feather (Gems) - 14% (14% Global)
    4. Carmine Spiroc Feather (Gems) - 14% (14% Global)
    5. White Spiroc Feather (Gems) - 14% (14% Global)
    6. Saffron Spiroc Feather (Gems) - 14% (14% Global)
    7. Emerald Spiroc Feather (Gems) - 14% (14% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Plane of Sky

  • airplane_a_spiroc_arbiter62 : -759 / 1167 / 443
    Spawns every 12 hours