an ice giant

Full name an ice giant
Level 39
Race Giant
Class Warrior
Main faction Vox
Health points 8,000
Damage 20 to 90
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Ice Giant Toes (Gems) - 18.285% (18.285% Global)
    2. Diamond Dust (Gems) - 6.25% (6.25% Global)
    3. Block of Permafrost (Gems) - 12.397% (12.397% Global)
    4. Permafrost Crystals (Combinable) - 7.851% (7.851% Global)
    5. Essence of Winter (Combinable) - 7.128% (7.128% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. A Faded Salil's Writ Page (Combinable) - 0.12% (0.12% Global)
    2. Salil's Writ Pg. 153 (Combinable) - 0.06% (0.06% Global)
    3. Salil's Writ Pg. 174 (Combinable) - 0.18% (0.18% Global)
    4. Salil's Writ Pg. 174 (Combinable) - 1.14% (1.14% Global)
    5. Salil's Writ Pg. 282 (Combinable) - 1.64% (1.64% Global)
    6. Salil's Writ Pg. 288 (Combinable) - 0.9% (0.9% Global)
    7. A Faded Salil's Writ Page (Combinable) - 0.1% (0.1% Global)
    8. A Faded Salil's Writ Page (Combinable) - 0.08% (0.08% Global)
    9. Rune of Al'Kabor (Combinable) - 1.66% (1.66% Global)
    10. Rune of the Combine (Combinable) - 0.4% (0.4% Global)
    11. Rune of the Helix (Combinable) - 1.22% (1.22% Global)
    12. Rune of Petrification (Combinable) - 1.08% (1.08% Global)
    13. Rune of Tyranny (Combinable) - 1.12% (1.12% Global)
    14. Rune of Paralysis (Combinable) - 1.12% (1.12% Global)
    15. Rune of Embrace (Combinable) - 1.38% (1.38% Global)
    16. Rune of Conception (Combinable) - 2.1% (2.1% Global)
    17. Rune of Infraction (Combinable) - 1.44% (1.44% Global)
    18. Glove of Rallos Zek (Combinable) - 1.26% (1.26% Global)
    19. Flame of Vox (Combinable) - 1.36% (1.36% Global)
    20. Words of Collection (Azia) (Combinable) - 2.1% (2.1% Global)
    21. Words of the Suffering (Combinable) - 1.12% (1.12% Global)
    22. Words of Descrying (Combinable) - 1.34% (1.34% Global)
    23. Words of Seizure (Combinable) - 1.2% (1.2% Global)
    24. Words of Disillusionment (Combinable) - 1.36% (1.36% Global)
    25. Words of Projection (Combinable) - 1.14% (1.14% Global)
    26. Words of the Spectre (Combinable) - 1.36% (1.36% Global)
    27. Words of Bidding (Combinable) - 1.36% (1.36% Global)
    28. Words of Collection (Beza) (Combinable) - 1.1% (1.1% Global)
    29. Words of Convocation (Combinable) - 2.34% (2.34% Global)
    30. Words of Cazic-Thule (Combinable) - 1.28% (1.28% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 35 (Combinable) - 0.9% (0.9% Global)
    2. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 36 (Combinable) - 1.15% (1.15% Global)
    3. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115 (Combinable) - 1.11% (1.11% Global)
    4. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116 (Combinable) - 1.12% (1.12% Global)
    5. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 300 (Combinable) - 1.02% (1.02% Global)
    6. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 301 (Combinable) - 1.04% (1.04% Global)
    7. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351 (Combinable) - 1.06% (1.06% Global)
    8. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 352 (Combinable) - 1.2% (1.2% Global)
    9. Rune of Rathe (Combinable) - 1.23% (1.23% Global)
    10. Rune of Attraction (Combinable) - 1.05% (1.05% Global)
    11. Rune of the Inverse (Combinable) - 1.09% (1.09% Global)
    12. The Scent of Marr (Combinable) - 0.39% (0.39% Global)
    13. Words of Incarceration (Combinable) - 2.31% (2.31% Global)
    14. Essence of Rathe (Combinable) - 1.23% (1.23% Global)
    15. Tears of Prexus (Combinable) - 1.671% (1.671% Global)
    16. Words of the Psyche (Combinable) - 1.17% (1.17% Global)
    17. Words of Burnishing (Combinable) - 1.1% (1.1% Global)
    18. Words of Obligation (Combinable) - 1.11% (1.11% Global)
    19. Words of Collection (Caza) (Combinable) - 1.03% (1.03% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Permafrost Caverns

  • permafrost mid level giants : 806 / 210 / -29
    Spawns every 4 hours
  • permafrost mid level giants : 759 / 172 / -29
    Spawns every 4 hours
  • permafrost mid level giants : 680 / 158 / -29
    Spawns every 4 hours

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with