a stonepeep cockatrice

Full name a stonepeep cockatrice
Level 15
Race Cockatrice
Class Warrior
Main faction Cockatrice
Health points 375
Damage 2 to 32
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Gold Ring (Jewelry) - 0.313% (0.313% Global)
    2. Jasper (Combinable) - 0.94% (0.94% Global)
    3. Amber (Combinable) - 0.94% (0.94% Global)
    4. Jade (Combinable) - 0.94% (0.94% Global)
    5. Pearl (Combinable) - 0.313% (0.313% Global)
    6. Topaz (Combinable) - 0.313% (0.313% Global)
    7. Onyx (Combinable) - 0.627% (0.627% Global)
    8. Peridot (Combinable) - 0.627% (0.627% Global)
    9. Silver Amulet (Jewelry) - 0.313% (0.313% Global)
    10. Mithril Earring (Jewelry) - 0.313% (0.313% Global)
    11. Jade Earring (Jewelry) - 0.627% (0.627% Global)
    12. Flame Agate (Combinable) - 0.627% (0.627% Global)
    13. Ivory (Combinable) - 0.313% (0.313% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Cockatrice Beak (Gems) - 25.705% (25.705% Global)
    2. Cockatrice Egg (Food) - 0.94% (0.94% Global)
    3. Red Cockatrice Feather (Gems) - 5.329% (5.329% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Overthere

  • overthere_222795 : 3284 / -392 / 31
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222795 : 3234 / -2809 / -13
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222795 : 2816 / 1270 / -51
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222795 : 2444 / 1063 / -51
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222797 : 2798 / -3224 / -1
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222797 : 3115 / -2276 / -26
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222797 : 3219 / -472 / 5
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222797 : 2644 / -381 / -44
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222797 : 2081 / -284 / -44
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222797 : 2750 / 528 / -49
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222797 : 3832 / 295 / -212
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222798 : 3028 / -3063 / 6
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222798 : -138 / -2584 / -1
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222798 : 2430 / -2385 / -42
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222798 : -495 / -2748 / -14
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_222798 : 2982 / -3131 / 5
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_a_stonepeep_cockatrice50 : 1795 / -2576 / 11
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_a_stonepeep_cockatrice50 : 1094 / -2253 / -10
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_a_stonepeep_cockatrice50 : 805 / -2750 / 19
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec
  • overthere_a_stonepeep_cockatrice50 : 240 / -2990 / -41
    Spawns every 5 min 50 sec