lesser icebone skeleton

Full name lesser icebone skeleton
Level 16
Race Undead Iksar
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 470
Damage 2 to 34
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Rune of Falhalem (Combinable) - 0.68% (0.68% Global)
    2. Rune of Substance (Combinable) - 1.16% (1.16% Global)
    3. Rune of Periphery (Combinable) - 0.76% (0.76% Global)
    4. Rune of Fulguration (Combinable) - 0.92% (0.92% Global)
    5. Rune of Proximity (Combinable) - 1.04% (1.04% Global)
    6. Words of the Element (Combinable) - 0.88% (0.88% Global)
    7. Words of Tyranny (Combinable) - 1.72% (1.72% Global)
    8. Words of Eradication (Combinable) - 0.96% (0.96% Global)
    9. Words of Imitation (Combinable) - 0.4% (0.4% Global)
    10. Words of Dissolution (Combinable) - 1.48% (1.48% Global)
    11. Words of Materials (Combinable) - 0.92% (0.92% Global)
    12. Words of Spirit (Combinable) - 0.96% (0.96% Global)
    13. Words of Possession (Combinable) - 1.96% (1.96% Global)
    14. Words of the Spoken (Combinable) - 0.88% (0.88% Global)
    15. Words of Reviviscence (Combinable) - 0.8% (0.8% Global)
    16. Words of the Sentient (Azia) (Combinable) - 0.52% (0.52% Global)
    17. Words of Derivation (Combinable) - 0.88% (0.88% Global)
    18. Rune of Nagafen (Combinable) - 0.92% (0.92% Global)
    19. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 (Combinable) - 0.52% (0.52% Global)
    20. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 (Combinable) - 0.52% (0.52% Global)
    21. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 (Combinable) - 1.2% (1.2% Global)
    22. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 (Combinable) - 0.92% (0.92% Global)
    23. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26 (Combinable) - 0.88% (0.88% Global)
    24. Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26 (Combinable) - 0.52% (0.52% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Ruined Scaled Coif (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    2. Ruined Scaled Visor (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    3. Ruined Scaled Neckguard (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    4. Ruined Scaled Coat (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    5. Ruined Scaled Mantle (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    6. Ruined Scaled Cape (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    7. Ruined Scaled Skirt (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    8. Ruined Scaled Sleeves (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    9. Ruined Scaled Bracelet (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    10. Ruined Scaled Gloves (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    11. Ruined Scaled Pants (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    12. Ruined Scaled Boots (Armor) - 0.25% (0.25% Global)
    13. Burynai Hide Boots (Armor) - 0.2% (0.2% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. A Glowing Skull (1HS) - 3.849% (3.849% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Bone Chips (Combinable) - 35% (35% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Kurn's Tower

  • kurn_222686 : 162 / 192 / 3
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222694 : -137 / 19 / -39
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222694 : -34 / 196 / -49
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222694 : 22 / -16 / -118
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222694 : -105 / 18 / -39
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222697 : -8 / 147 / -49
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222697 : -80 / 320 / -68
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222697 : -20 / -104 / -105
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222697 : -6 / -116 / -105
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222697 : -8 / 29 / -116
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222697 : -12 / 63 / -39
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222698 : 50 / 60 / -39
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222702 : 38 / 70 / -116
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222704 : -31 / -217 / 131
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222704 : -4 / -241 / 87
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_222704 : 30 / -224 / 87
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : -38 / -11 / 103
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : -26 / -61 / 129
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 82 / 111 / -39
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 158 / 211 / -39
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : -61 / 271 / -49
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 31 / -272 / -99
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 157 / -13 / -118
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 64 / 182 / -116
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 300 / 17 / -118
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 180 / 46 / -119
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 169 / 9 / -119
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : -119 / 195 / -121
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 30 / -216 / -104
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 284 / -27 / -120
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec
  • kurn_lesser_icebone_skeleton20 : 248 / -48 / -118
    Spawns every 14 min 40 sec